The Cave is an after-school drop-in center in Highland Park for children in 6th-8th grades. The Cave provides a space for students to spend time with their friends after school in a safe and supervised environment, work on homework, play games, and participate in creative activities.

The Cave is free of charge and is open from 3-5pm, Monday–Friday, excluding the days that Highland Park Middle School is closed. The Cave is closed on early dismissal days.

The Cave is located at 19 South 2nd Avenue, inside the lower level of the Reformed Church of Highland Park. The Cave is a secular program run by Who is My Neighbor?, in which the church is solely the provider of space for the program to run. We are grateful to the Reformed Church for its generosity in providing community space for youth in Highland Park.

The Cave is supervised by WIMNI Director Austin Morreale and run by Cave Director Jewel “Ducky” Soroka and interns from Rutgers University School of Social Work. You can email Austin at And find us on Facebook for up-to-date Cave happenings.

If you would like to make a donation to help support The Cave Afterschool Center, please use the donate button below. Thank you!
